Student Success & Materials

How can you help your student be successful?

Often times, students in physics and chemistry will be learning material, vocabulary, and concepts that they have never heard of in their life. Chances are unless you are in a field of science, it’s been a few years since you were in your high school science class and you yourself were taught this material. Being able to help your student on their take home activities and studying for exams is great BUT that isn’t everything. Student success in the classroom depends on many factors ranging from hours of sleep, studying for exams, seeking out additional help through tutorials, having breakfast, and a stable environment. I want every single student to be successful in my classroom and anything I can do to help you, I will. Please reach out if you have concerns or have advice for how we can help each other for student success.

Student Success: keep up with notes & assignments + be thankful & ready to learn + be engaged & participate in activities! 


  • 1 Subject Spiral Notebook
  • Pen/Pencil
  • Scientific calculator (if you already have one – there is a class set as well)